



Q. 1.The ministry for environment, forest and Climate Change has released the ______ India State of Forest Report (ISFR).

Q. 2.ISFR is a ________ publication of Forest Survey of India (FSI).

Q. 3.The national Forest Policy, _______ envisages 33% of nation’s area to be under forest and tree cover.

Q. 4.The country’s forest cover includes all patches of land with a tree canopy density of more than_______.

Q. 5.The area recorded as forest in the Government records is…….

Q. 6.All lands with tree canopy density of 70 percent and above are ________

Q. 7.All lands with tree canopy density of 40 percent and more but less than 70 percent are______________

Q. 8.All lands with tree canopy density of 10 percent and more but less than 40 percent are________

Q. 9.All forest lands with poor tree growth mainly of small or stunted trees canopy density less than 10 percent are ________

Q. 10.According to the ISFR of 2019 Forest cover of India is_______%.

Q. 11.According to the ISFR of 2019 total forest cover and Tree cover of India is_______%.

Q. 12.According to the ISFR of 2019 total Tree cover of India is_______%.

Q. 13.A _________ is a system which is composed of plants, animals and microorganisms.

Q. 14.Which of the following is/are natural forest?

Q. 15.Which of the following is/are Man-made Forest?

Q. 16.__________ is the art and science of managing forests so as to yield on a continuous basis.

Q. 17.We get benefitted from the forest in following ways-

Q. 18.The standard height at which the tree diameter is measured is called as?

Q. 19.All lands more than one hectare in area, with a tree canopy density of more than 10% are _______

Q. 20.The study of life history and general characteristics of forest trees and crops with particular reference to environmental factors as the basis for the practice of silviculture is known as____

Q. 21.The branch of Forestry which deals with the establishment, development, care and reproduction and stands of timber is known as ________

Q. 22.Plant whose stem is always green and tender and height is usually not more than one meter is called as__________

Q. 23.Nair has classified the Agroforestry systems based on following four criteria…..

Q. 24.The uppermost level of foliage formed by the branches and leaves of a tree.

Q. 25.The conversion of forest to other land use or the permanent reduction of the tree canopy cover below the minimum 10 percent threshold is called as

Q. 26.Re-establishment of forest through planting and/or deliberate seeding on land classified as forest.

Q. 27.Establishment of forest through planting and/or deliberate seeding on land that, until then, was not classified as forest.

Q. 28.The practice of cultivation and management trees in compact blocks on agriculture lands is known as _____

Q. 29.Salt tolerant evergreen forest ecosystem found mainly in tropical and sub-tropical coastal and/or inter-tidal regions are ________

Q. 30.According to the Forest Report-2019 the total area of Mangrove cover in our country is____

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