



Q. 1.According to the passage, which of the following explain the impact of gas deficit? I. The price of gas surged 74% to 200p per thermal, within a day. II. Shortage of gas can affect the industrial users as they experience interruption in gas supply. III. A rise of energy bills could disrupt the households.

Q. 2.Which of the following is not true in the context of the passage? I. A fall in temperature is directly influenced the supply of gas. II. According to the market watchers S&P Global Platts, consumption of gas is five times high. III. The shortage of gas compound by several supply outages, which can relate to frosty weather.

Q. 3.Which of the following best express the similar meaning to word “envisage” as used in the passage?

Q. 4.Which of the following is true in the context of the passage? I. Public health organization suggested an indoor temperature must be 18 C. II. The Rough site in North Sea had amounting to 70% of UK’s gas storage. III. Power and thermal sectors largely depend on the gas.

Q. 5.According to the passage, how do high gas rates impact the electricity supplies? I. It leads to escalation in dirty coal power. II. 81% of total electricity was generated by oil. III. The price of electricity soared astronomically accounting for 990 pounds per megawatt per hour.

Q. 6.Which of the following best express the similar meaning to word “bump up” as used in the passage?

Q. 7.Which of the following best express the opposite meaning to word “prompted” as used in the passage?

Q. 8.Which of the following best express the opposite meaning to word “plummet” as used in the passage?

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