



Q. 1.According to the classification of rainfed area the Humid mountain zone has _______ mm of rainfall?

Q. 2.According to the classification of rainfed area the rainfall in arid area is _______ mm ?

Q. 3.All India Coordinated Research Project for Dry land Agriculture launched in ______?

Q. 4.Central Soil and Water Conservation Research and Training Institute established at Dehradun in ______?

Q. 5.Cropping system adopted in the soil with capacity of holding 150 mm of ______?

Q. 6.Growing period of crops in rainfed farming ?

Q. 7.International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) established in the year of 1972 at ?

Q. 8.Recommended practices of occasional deep ploughing of lands once in _________ years?

Q. 9.The ICAR approved the Bombay Scheme of Research on Dry Farming ?

Q. 10.The north-east monsoon strikes the Tamil Nadu coast in __________ ?

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